Thursday, January 13, 2011

Disclaimer, short documentation film.

For those who have received the Christmas edition 2010, the below film may answer one question, what is that mark in the corner. For those who haven't got an edition lying somewhere before them, the following short film documents the making of this past Christmas edition. 

Monday, January 10, 2011

System Failure

Father A, Son A.1, Son A.2 (detail). 2010

Mother B, daughter B (detail)

Mother C, Daughter C (detail)

Project: system failure. andy rumball.2010 ongoing.

I have often wondered over the last couple of years since becoming a father, what is the driving principle which drives humans to have children. Is it just because we can, or is there something else, deeper far beyond the reaches of modern societies instilled notions of lifes requirements. Is there something inherently selfish in giving birth to another, are we trying to exist beyond our own means. Is the act of creation that of duplication, or atleast is it fair to say most crave to see the likeness of themselves in their children. And our failure in such quests, is it understood and celebrated? Have we understood the value of failure? 

This project is ongoing and if you would be interested in taking part please don't hesitate to contact me through the email address listed at the top of this blog.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Looking straight in the eye

magazine wall installation. 2010 (detail)

Opening night - final installation of six. 2010
(incorporating a photographic series of portraits and architecture) 

I've avoided posting anything before of the above project which was completed last year. It was a commission for a series of installations for a hotel opening with the theme based around the buildings previous usage, that of a fashion school. Why only now do I post something, well, although appreciated by all unfortunately this appreciation does not include paying outstanding bills as of yet. This has left a sour taste, but I wish to move onwards and as I look things straight in the eye this new year, I find myself posting something of this work. I will endeavour to post a selection of images over the next few days. For now it's a dark rainy sunday  afternoon and a warm tea beckons.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Something new, something old

white wash. christmas edition 2009.

I have no idea why I never made such a thing before, but for Christmas 2009 I sent out a small edition for the first time to celebrate the season. This past Christmas I did the same and on both occasions I crudely filmed the making. Well I guess there's no point doing such a thing unless you allow people to see it, so here's the first. The film for that of 2010 will come shortly, if you can bear the wait. The good news is the editions are in reality better then the films and should last you a life time, whilst the film in this case is under 2 minutes.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

There is something slightly unhealthy about great expectations and in particular those surrounding new year. If you manage to get over the dissappointment of the new years eve party then the reality of the next morning will surely put check to the most romantic imagination. First there's the hangover and if not, the enquiry, why not. Then of course the weather is most unlikely to embrace a positive radiance, let's face it, it's another day in winter, grey, wet, cold and in the case of Berlin at this moment, snow again. Don't get me wrong, I love the snow but heavy dark skies don't speak to me of promising future times. But maybe I have to learn to look a little further or nearer. Yesterday for a very short period of time the clouds opened a wee window through which my first sunshine of 2011 broke through and darted across the tiring branches of the christmas tree. Fantastic pools of light papered the walls and drew my attention to what was, and has for a long time, surrounding me. I spend so much time trying to create things consciously that I over look some of the wonderful installations that have come about over time and chance. Dust on pictures, reflections in glass, cobwebs and temporary homes found in  ...........  time and chance. 

Monday, January 3, 2011

All change

'a new me', image taken during a commission for the Böll stiftung.

The hour has come and gone, in with the new and out with the old. Only the next is always to come and the present is always the past. So what of new year. I am still walking and falling at the same time, catching myself whilst looking to the next step each time. I want to know who jumps side ways or maybe even more interesting, who steps backwards, for when you follow this logic this would be a true step into the unknown.