Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Monday, August 29, 2011

Scratch till it bleeds.

It's funny how we follow the same patterns. Micro systems of understanding transcribed across scale and substance. Scratch long enough and the act of converting pain into pleasure is blighted with the evidence of your actions in blood. But this messy red stuff, or in which ever colour it may be, is the real, the carrier of life. I think we should all learn to scratch to the point of drawing blood.

Italy. 2011. One place in so many where I'd like to scratch till it bleeds.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Can't see the silence for trees.

I don't know if I am the same as everybody else but I always need to find a corner of santuary. Back in England it was a rough sea crashing in on a deserted simple beach in the early winter months. Now, being based in Berlin its the forests of Brandenburg. These vast cathedrals with stretching columns in need of light, a roof as intricate as any stained glass window casting its theater of shadows on a floor that is a silent museum of the past and future in one. The hymns one hears in this house vary and reflect the inner and outer forces of man and nature and one seems aways alone.

I will be forever experimenting with forest as a motive.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

after A comes B's

I've started a new project which circles around the small. It seems to me we are so often caught up in building our individual plans, grand ideas and struggling with the large questions that we become long sighted. Lets face it, as you lie in your bed of a morning considering whether to drive or walk to work, as the weather plays havoc with your plans, did you ever consider checking first that your legs still work. Sounds stupid I know, but if you have ever been in a situation when you have had your breathing restricted, you will understand that these 'small things' which we take naturally for granted are the foundation of our modern lives, long term plans, grand ideas or large questions to struggle with. So this new project has at it's centre 'Bees'. Bees are a fascinating subject in themselves and there is enough reading material on their biological, sociological, cultural significance to fill my time and beyond. The project is only in it's first stages and I will post at a later date something of the final work but for now a couple of images of Bee Hives located in Frankfurt am Main,Italy and Berlin.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

out of season

What happened to our summer. If it carries on like this I will have to resume some old experiments before the month is out!!

Packaging in which to age images.

Talking of Time....

Just happened to come across this image from a work I did when I first came to Berlin, entitled – day by day. I am still comfortable with this piece, a copy of which has hung quietly in a corner of my place for near on 10 years.

the width of time

There is no point in debating the length of time it has been since I last posted something on this site for it was but a moment and in this moment I see but another moment. Perhaps it is a game, like when you stand between two mirrors facing each other and you struggle to contain the infinit replay before you. Around the time of my last post I had begun to send out prints of images of the Bleigießen which that new years eve had created. For those who do not know the German tradition, on the eve of a new year you heat up lead in a spoon, throw it into water when it reaches a liquid state and the resulting form suggests what is instore for the coming year. A sort of industrial version of reading tea leaves. I love the fact that as humans we can't help ourselves a be fasinated by the possiblity of knowing the future regardless of how far-fetched the method and perhaps that is the most fasinating aspect. Everybody should, when at an event or situation where a large crowd follows a singular thing, stop watching what one is supposed to watch, turn around and watch the watchers.

The Bleigießen pictures have been sent to various people across the globe who have been asked to keep the picture on their person for the next year. I have done the same with a corresponding image, the question is, is my future as wide in the hand of others? 

Here a phrase of the future, but not the whole story.