Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Giving Notice

I had visitors today, they came to write a small article about my home with it's personal touches, furniture which has suffered my hand in their making and glance over the general chaos. They came, they went and inbetween they photographed and wrote notes. Afterwards, as I settled down to tackle the tasks of the day and glanced around, I wondered what people would read into the lines and colours, piles and paraphernalia which litter my life. Could you read between the lines, make associations and hear the voice of me in the silent voids. I can't answer that, but to see a void is to have a broader view, above and beyond the void itself. In a way to see this is to see the core principle beyond style or taste, it is to see the humanity in the evidence of the actions. Sometimes you don't need the details, sometimes it's just enough to see the trails and not the very action itself to embrace the energy, life and consequences.

I think this is partly why I loved the lamp-posts I found in Montreal with only the staples remaining from the many many notices detailing the passions of a city.

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